19 Jun Evolution of Creativity
There is always a great joy in creating, especially when you go off on a tangent, which then opens up a whole new vision. These ah moments are what artists thrive on. For me it sparks a flow which some of my best work evolves.
Early this summer I was merrily enjoying creating baskets, finding new and interesting fibers/beads to incorporate, exploring shape, and form. A couple we knew were getting married in august, and since they had lived together for sometime, so had a house full of what they needed, I questioned them about a wedding gift. The answer was quick, birdhouses. They wanted to fill the yard/house with birdhouses of all kinds. Genius, simple!
Of course that got my wheels going around the possibility of creating a birdhouse with pine needles…. and voila, this beauty to the right came out.
Which then sparked a whole new tangent, just waiting to spew forth!
My partner and i went off on the boat for a week. We stayed at Jedediah Island, which is known for it’s herd of wild sheep and goats.
As we were exploring the island, i kept picking up little tufts of sheep wool, planning my next birdhouse basket. Every evening relaxing on the boat, while being read out loud to, i’d stitch and stitch.
The wedding gift emerged.
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