19 May Incorporate meaning
I love animal Totems. A few years ago we spent the summer in PEI. I would walk the beach daily for treasures. There somehow were a lot of feathers, which i started using in little hanging feather/bead gifts for people.
Haven’t quite figured out how to incorporate feathers into my baskets, and somehow here in BC am not finding a lot of them, but the idea of incorporating animal spirit into baskets remains.
One day i was to meet with a client, he creates native art and I did a site for him, and out of that conversation stemmed a gift bag of goodies that he left on my step. Things he had collected over the years and wasn’t using. In that treasure trove, was some porcupine quills.
Of course i immediately looked up what the totem was or porcupine:
The quills of the Porcupine symbolize the generations of ancestors and their wisdom that have come before, each quill a representation of a family ancestor. Porcupine carries great meaning for connecting to ancient ancestors and their way of life, and the knowledge of living in harmony with the land and other animals. The energy of respect is at the core of all that Porcupine symbolizes.
Not only were they beautiful, but the symbolism was amazing. A birdhouse was born. To this day it remains my favorite.
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